Sunday, September 30, 2007

Why Creating a Resolution Fuels Motivation

By means of something different, everybody is motivated. For any kind of goal, that is the similar. Since their high school reunion is around the corner, someone may want to lose weight, while another may want to discard those extra pounds to get into the mood. Some reasonable goals, incentives, or even the character of the person is typically, what motivates a person to do what he or she does. In order to get good grades, one person may be motivated, or strive, because they need a high GPA, while another person may be motivated to earn high marks since they will get money from a parent.

Whether you are looking to lose a few pounds, exercise more to get in better shape or to get your house structured, creating a sense of purpose is the key to motivation. Motivation is difficult without having a sense of purpose. Without a reason, your goals are not clear and your outcome that you are working towards will be harder to reach. Many different things may motivate a person, but the reason why they are motivated is typically because they have some kind of purpose.

Oftentimes, when a person creates a firm sense of purpose, or a clear reason, then the end result is easier to reach. Clear goals and understanding why you want to motivate yourself can often be the simplest way to get motivated to do nearly anything. When you get ready to work on achieving a goal and understand your purpose for doing so, it will make easier you achieve you goal. Think about what motivates you and then you can easily find ways to help yourself along the way.

Make a list of small things that you could use for motivation. These could be rewards or incentives that could range from a new book to a new dress. On creating a sense of purpose that can help you motivate yourself, there are a few key tips. When you do not feel motivated to do something, you can create a sense of purpose by thinking of want you want to achieve.

It could be something very small, such as washing your car, or something much bigger, such as purchasing a new house. Whatever your idea is, you require having a clear purpose in mind. Perhaps your purpose for achieving this goal is to better yourself, many it will improve the lives of others or perhaps it is a way to be more efficient or make more money. Your purpose is a significant way to motivate yourself.

In addition, without a clear purpose, your motivation will drop when your work becomes difficult. You lose sight of why you are doing whatever it is that you are striving to accomplish. You can easily give up and you no longer have in sight what your end result can or will be.

Understanding your goals, your reason for what you are working for all creates a clear sense of purpose. This makes motivating yourself so much easier and helps you reach your mission much faster and easier than without a clear purpose.Another great motivational tool is by rewarding yourself for reaching your small goals along the way. After you have thought about your reason for wanting to do something, consider what you would get pleasure from a reward. Often, small rewards can motivate and help make your end goal easier to achieve.

Having a clear purpose for an outcome gives you the clearness you need to become motivated. Motivation is near impossible to achieve without this clarity. Understanding purpose which means, who, what, where and why of your motivation gives you the key self-assurance needed to meet your goals.Writing a list or journal of goals will help you reach your end result is another way to keep your purpose in mind and to keep yourself motivated.

If you want to exercise more, possibly keeping a journal of what kind of exercise you do and how long will help you maintain a clear picture in your mind. By looking at your exercise log, your motivation and purpose could be spurred each day. You will start by making small changes each day, if you are trying to attain a large goal, such as losing twenty pounds. These small changes are your goals that will cause you to your successful weight loss.

Keep Your Eyes on a Goal to Stay Motivated

What will keep you motivated toward your goal? The answer, keep your eyes on it. Never lose site of what you are working toward. Look at the picture and the reward you will reap when you finally reach your goal. Goals seem so far in the future and so hard to reach unless you break them down into small steps that allow you to track your progress.

Action creates motivation, so if you want to stay motivated, stay actively working on that goal. The more you work on it, the more motivated it keeps you. In addition, remember, there is an attractive prize at the end, whether it�s weight loss, better health or a project you want to accomplish.

Setting goals in small steps can keep you motivated to continue toward the big project. Make the goals so they can be charted and you can watch the progress of what you�re working toward. Make concrete goals that are measurable. If you�re writing a book, set a goal to complete a chapter a week, or a day if you have the time to do it. Set a goal for the month such as I want to write 15 chapters this month. At the end of the month, you can look at your manuscript and see if you made your goal. If you did, make it a little higher for the next month. Stretch yourself but be practical. If the coming month has two holidays, three birthdays and two public appearances, then cut back on the goal so you can reach it. If your goals are set too high, it can be frustrating if you are not reaching them and you are more likely to give up. They also shouldn�t be too easy, a challenge will keep you motivated to keep typing away on those pages with the end of the book in mind.

Are you having fun while working toward your goal? We need a break from a project, even if it�s something we want with all our heart. If you are working on a weight loss and exercise goal, vary what you�re doing. If you always use a stationary bike each day, why not change the routine and map out a mile or two to walk in your neighborhood. They say variety is the spice of life and it can keep your motivation going if you change your timetable around a little bit. Are you used to studying or writing in the evening? Try waking up early in the morning and spending quiet time before the busyness of the day takes over.

Involve your friends and family in your project. You are more likely to stay motivated if you have told someone what your goals are. If you are exercising or walking, find a partner. It will make it much more probable that you will continue to walk at a specified time and go to the gym. If you fail to show up, your partner will motivate you to come the next time. You are held accountable to someone else. If you are working alone, if you decide to not exercise or not write, you will only have yourself to shake things up and give you the push you need to get started again.

Don�t let discouragement take your eyes off the final goal. Sure, if we�re dieting there are going to be times when we fall off the eating plan. Instead of getting mad or discouraged, simply accept it as something that happens to everyone and go on to the next day. Don�t get down on yourself or feel guilty or ashamed. Enjoy that dessert and remind yourself of the bigger goal of being in the perfect bathing suit by summer. Have you not worked on your graduate thesis for a week? Enjoy your time off, remember what you�re working for, and work harder when you start up again.

Expect to reach a point when your plateau on a weigh loss program, get bored with the great American novel you are writing, or get tired of depriving yourself of some wants to save for that dream vacation. When you reach that point, accept it, know that it happens to everyone and if you don�t allow discouragement to set in, you can soon pick up where you left off.

Don�t beat yourself up if you don�t make your goals, set new ones, and keep your eyes on the final prize, that one big goal you have been working for and then enjoy your life.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Focus On What You Really Truly Want

Do you fully appreciate the role of “focus” in your life? I invite you to examine a few aspects of your habits with your focus. You may be thinking to yourself, “I didn’t realize that I had habits with my focus. Isn’t focus a function of seeing? Isn’t focus a calibration of clarity? Isn’t focus something I do as a part of perception?” Yes, but there is more. You also, quite literally,” Bring things into focus”. Consider:

* We are what we focus upon. The Law of Attraction teaches us that our thoughts are things. They are measurable vibrations of energy. Thoughts are as much a tangible object as your house, your car, or the computer screen on which you are viewing these words. Thoughts are conduits that bring form to our focus, and attract more of the same vibration into our energy field. This is science.

* Our focus is our connection with our future. When we give anything our focus, we are engaging vibrations that will bring it toward us. Nothing finds us that we do not first focus upon. It is critically important that we pay attention to our focus. It is the vehicle we ride into events to come.

* We can not help moving in the direction of our focus. Isn’t it interesting that what we fear most appears in our reality with such regularity? Isn’t it curious that the very things we try diligently to avoid, always come to us? This is the science of energetic attraction at work, and it works for you, or against you, but work it will! When we fully comprehend this aspect our focus, we are able to sculpt our existence in alignment with our purpose. When we shift our thinking to what we do want, it comes to us! Pay attention to the fact that whatever you think about and focus your energy upon, is on its way to you. With careful attention to your thoughts, you can develop the habit of positive focus! Your reward is literally the life of your dreams. Allow this acronym to assist.

R- Realize the power of the vibration of your focus.
E- Embrace the possibility of living a life by your own design.
A -Allow your thoughts to move to the most enticing of scenarios. L- Let go of the anxiety and attention you are giving to the things you do not want.
L- Love the view of your existence, resplendent with all of your deepest desires manifested. Y- Yesterday’s focus attracted today’s reality!

T- Think about the most enjoyable, loving, appealing thing your mind can imagine.
R- Re-program your mind by replacing each negative image with an excellent alternative.
U- Utilize the science of attracting energy by luxuriating in feelings of gratitude!
L- Listen to your own inner dialogue, and self-correct your focus on that which is appealing to you.
Y - Your focus is finding you, every time, always, no exceptions.

W- Walk in trust, away from anything that feels uninviting.
A- Astonish yourself with the beauty that is yours to behold.
N- Navigate a true course with joy on your horizon.
T – Thank your personal spiritual source for the abundance of your experience now.

Devote 5 minutes before you retire to pondering deeply the happiest existence you can imagine. Hold your heartfelt happiness in your feeling place, habitually. Smile and lift your spirits! Consciously live in joyful gratitude! Laugh at every opportunity! Make a delicious reality your constant focus!

You are what you focus upon.
Your focus is your connection with your future.
You can not help moving in the direction of your focus!

Make Every Day Your Most Productive Day

Do you remember the most productive day of your life --- a day when all the pieces fit together perfectly, just like a jigsaw puzzle? You checked things off your to-do list in a fury, focusing on each task until it was complete, moving swiftly to the next task on your list. Ever had a day like that? If so, you're either a masterful time manager or you were getting ready to go on vacation!

The most productive day in my life was just like that. I was excited and enthusiastic, even though my to-do list had over twenty-one items on it. I was motivated and focused, even though all twenty-one plus items had to get done that day. I had a clear non-negotiable deadline --- the plane was leaving at 8:30 AM the next day whether I was on board or not. And I had the ultimate reward for getting it all done --- a four day get-away to Napa Valley with my dear husband. I checked more off my to-do list that day than in any other day up to then, and I'm talking about time consuming things. Take the dogs to the kennel forty-five minutes away from my home. Mow the front lawn (I did this running!) Pack -- myself and my two kids for their stay at Grandma and Grandpa's. Plus eighteen more!

So why was this day so productive? I've thought long and hard about this, knowing that by creating this on a regular basis, I'd have much more checked off my to do list in a day, week and month. I'd be happier and have more time to do fun things, which in turn would make me even happier. It's a wonderful upward spiral. You can create this, too! Read on to learn how.

Be in a Great Mood.
The day before my trip to Napa I was in a great mood. And who wouldn't be? So be in a great mood to get more done. I know what you're thinking, "how can I choose to be in a great mood?" I'll admit it, some days it's harder than others to be in a great mood. And sometimes a bit of a grumpy mood can work in our favor. But certainly, there are things you can do to be more likely to be in a good mood.

Think about days that get off on the right foot for you. What do they have in common? Maybe you feel better when you exercise in the morning. Maybe you need to start slow ... with a cup of coffee and some inspirational reading or a nice conversation with a significant other. Maybe you're in a better mood on days you meditate, do yoga, or go to Starbucks. Maybe for you, you can create a good mood simply by telling yourself "I'm in such a great mood today!" There certainly is a thing or two you do in the morning that makes you happier --- gets your day started on the right foot. Do these things more often and create a great mood.

Be Focused and Purposeful.
The day before leaving for Napa, I was very focused. If something came along that needed to get done, but didn't move me in the direction of pulling out of the driveway and heading to the airport, it didn't get done. There was no debate. No second thought given. If it could wait until after the trip --- it did. Easy call. Now imagine doing this everyday. You know exactly what must get done ... and you do it. Something else comes along and it's not in the plan ... it gets delayed. Most certainly this is easier to pull of if you work all by yourself in complete isolation free from coworkers and bosses (or kids and spouses), telephones and email. But you get your to-dos done in the real world with all of those built in distractions. I'm right there with you.

Let me ask you this: if you're getting ready to go on a vacation and have twenty-one things on your to do list, are your conversations with people shorter, more efficient and more focused than on regular days? Are you more likely to let voice mail pick up your calls until it's convenient for you to talk (or to see if it's something that can wait until you return from your vacation?) Are you less tempted to check email every single time that dinger dings? Yes, yes and yes ... because pulling out of the driveway on time depends on it. So how do you create this atmosphere on a regular day?

Have a Non-negotiable Deadline and a Carrot.
Oh, I'm not talking about the orange kind of carrot. Sure a healthy snack helps keep you productive but what I'm really talking about is an incentive. Something you'll reward yourself with only when you meet your deadline. Your carrot is something compelling, a treat. Something you wouldn't normally do for yourself if you didn't meet your deadline. In the case of my trip to Napa, the carrot was Napa. The deadline was the flight taking off at 8:30 in the morning. It's completely non-negotiable. Create a firm deadline with yourself, with a clear and defined carrot that you will reward yourself with when you meet your deadline.

Here's an example. I will send out my newsletter by 10 PM Central, June 29, 2006 at which time I will treat myself to an hour of complete relaxation doing whatever I want to do ... perhaps a bubble bath, catching up on reading, maybe some T.V! Whatever I decide, it's an hour just for me!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Healing Power of the Mind - Using Mind Power to Heal Illnesses

Do you ever wonder why some cancer victims heal and recover from their illnesses while some don't? Do you ever wonder what defines the difference between these two kinds of cancer-afflicted people? It is true that those who have been healed have a secret: the healing power of the mind. The healing power of the mind is not a mysterious thing that can be activated by gibberish and mumbo-jumbo rituals and words. The healing power of the mind is actually based on one thing: positive thinking.

Maybe you're thinking that these people are super-optimists. No they are not. They too, have had their share of discouragement and had reacted accordingly. They too had felt that life had been unfair to them.

But what is crucial to their recovery is the realization that they can actually choose not to continue to feel the negative way that they do. You too can make use of the healing power of the mind. Let me show you how.

1) Accept that you have an illness.

Seem absurd? Actually, it's not. Life's problems are not solved by denying their existence. On the contrary, they are made worse through denial, because they aren't being dealt with. The most important step you can take in healing would be to accept your present circumstance, but to positively expect that you can heal yourself using the powers of your mind.

2) Do something about it.

Get treatment; research your options for the treatment of your illness. Getting treatment lets you assume control over your life again. This diminishes the feeling of helplessness; thus, you can start to think clearly, do what needs to be done, and make the most out of your days.

3) Take comfort in a Higher Power.

Studies have proved that those who believe in a Higher Power tend to heal faster. The trust that though they are helpless, someone has control over their lives and He ultimately would see them through, makes people less anxious, freeing their system to self-heal faster.

The mind is a terrible thing, some people said. Actually, as you've seen here, the healing power of the mind can be unlocked so easily. Follow these steps, and you can harness this power.

You Can Create Wealth

Yes, I'm talking about YOU - you can create wealth.

In the first place, it would be useful to understand the definition of wealth.

To the bankers and accountants, wealth simply means money in the bank, properties or shares investments.

I would like to give you a different perspective.

Donald Trump, who was in millions of debt, flipped his position over night.

Mother Theresa, who walked the streets of Calcutta with zero dollars in her pocket, can call for millions in donations.

So what exactly is wealth?

Wealth is a form of energy - energy you emit if you have the right thinking and association with the right people.

Let me explain further.

Right thinking means having the right mindset. It starts from believing in yourself and your idea.

Remember the saying "you reap what you sow". What you sow in your mind, you reap in your life. Your outer world is a mere reflection of your inner world. The reason is simple: You take action based on you what believe; you get the results based on what you act on.

Knowing this simple logic of belief, action and result, it is apparent that our belief system plays a vital role in our success - whatever success means to you. If you believe that you can be successful, if you believe you can be rich, than you will take action to work towards your goals. Though the result is not guaranteed, your effort will improve your chances of getting it.

The reverse is also possible. You believe you cannot be rich for whatever reason (maybe you did not have a great education). Hence you will not work on your goals and because of the lack of effort, the likelihood is that you will not get what you wish for.

Therefore, the first step to wealth creation is having the right beliefs, or changing your beliefs if your existing beliefs are not serving you. Although most people easily understand this, it is perhaps the toughest step in practice. A belief system takes years, if not decades to build up. It takes great determination to change what has been ingrained in our minds, and more often than not, many will not persist, especially if they do not see immediate results.

Right thinking also means having the right attitude, including being grateful for what you receive in life. Start by having gratitude for little things, such as having the food on your table.

Life is kind. The more grateful you are, the more you will receive.

Association with the right people means making a decision to be in a community of people with positive mental attitude. These are like-minded people; they are ready to support you in your quest for bigger things in life.

The right people will also inspire you, both with their results and lifestyles.

They inspire you because you see that your limit is not your limit. From what they have achieved, you realise there is so much more you can do. You realise that you can get what you deserve if you don't compromise but instead set high standards for yourself.

You will also learn their habits - habits for success. You begin to develop routines that bring you closer to what you want.

Being in a circle of successful people means you can model after them. Some of them may even become your mentors or coaches. Success leaves clues. You can observe carefully what brings them success, and duplicate their formulas into your life. In other words, you don't have to re-invent the wheel. You can learn from their mistakes as well. Anyway, life is too short for you to make all the mistakes by yourself!

When you have both the right thinking and association, you have what it takes. You will begin to see results. As you advance, it becomes easier because success breeds success. At this point, the law of attraction comes into play. You become a magnet, not only to money, but also to other successful people and good things in life. Yes, you or anyone can create wealth, BUT, only if you have both of these - the right thinking and association with the right people. Start by making the decision to take that path... and you will be surprised what you will attract into your life. It's your life - LIVE IT TO THE FULL!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

How to Start a Personal Skin Care Routine

One of the most necessary things for any person is skin care. Depending on a person’s beliefs they will have different personal skin care routines. For some their personal routine involves going to their favorite parlor to beautify their skin. Some would prefer to do their personal routine through facials and body scrubs, which they use, skin care products for. When it comes to personal skin care individuals have their own convictions. Contrary to what many think skin care doesn’t have to be complex or expensive. Considering the benefits you can get by developing a personal skin care routine the cost you may pay out is well worth it.

The first step in determining your personal skin care routine is to find out what your skin type is. You skin is dry, sensitive, normal or oily. Finding your skin type is the most important step in starting a routine. Buying products that aren’t suitable for you skin won’t work well. The basis of all your skin care product purchases should be those that match your skin type. The following example is of a routine for people with normal skin.

The first and most essential part of a skin care routine is cleansing. Using water that is too hot or cold will only dry your skin and cause damage so during cleansing your should use warm water. The three major components of cleansers are called wetting agents and they are typically oil, water and surfactants. The oil and surfactant help to remove dirt from the skin while the water washes the dirt away. You should take the time to find a cleanser that works well with your bodies chemistry. When shopping for cleansers it is a good idea to use a cleanser that is soap-free since over cleaning the skin can also cause additional damage.

The second step is the removal of dead skin cells through exfoliation. Renewing the skin and removing the dead skin cells is the bodies’ natural continuation process. The efficiency of skin care products will be increased by the exfoliation process. After cleansing the skin you will perform the exfoliation. If you have normal or oily skin then you should exfoliate your skin at least four to five times a week. If you have sensitive or dry skin then you should exfoliate your skin only one to two times a week.

After showering or bathing while your skin is still damp you should apply a moisturizer. Every person no matter what their skin type should use moisturizers, even if their skin is oily. Moisturizers are play an important role in attracting moisture from the environment to your skin and then locking it in the skin. However, harm can result if you use too much moisturizer on your skin.

The last step in your personal skin care routine is the use of sunscreens. One option you can choose is finding a moisturizer or lotion that has a SPF or UV protection built in so that you can get two benefits from one application.

You will have to do some testing first in order to find the best personal skin care product for you. Not all skin care products are going to work for every individual so you can’t determine a product is good until you find one that works with your skin. If you have skin disorders it is a good idea to get advice from a dermatologist before starting a personal skin care routine.

Things to Consider When Looking for an Opportunity to Make Money Online

If you are looking for an opportunity to make money online, there are some important things you are going to want to consider that will have a significant impact on weather you will be successful in making money online. So many people join opportunities and programs without taking the time to answer some very important questions and as a result are setting themselves up for failure. Understanding your skills and having an accurate idea of the resources you have at your disposal will greatly enhance your ability to find an opportunity that makes sense for you.

The first thing you absolutely must consider when looking for an opportunity to make money online is what type of marketing skills you have. Do you understand the marketing process and know how to market? The fact is your ability to have success online is directly linked to your understanding, knowledge, and ability of HOW TO MARKET! If you do not know how to market, you will fail online. Therefore, if you lack the understanding and knowledge of the overall marketing process and how to market, it is imperative you find someone who can mentor you and teach you how to market. There are programs out there where individuals offer quality training, support, and mentoring aimed at teaching people how to market. In order to be successful in making money online, you must know how to market. If you don't know how, your best bet is to find someone to teach you.

When looking or an opportunity to make money online, you are also going to want to consider the time your advertising budget as well as the time you can commit to your business. The fact is if you do not have any type of advertising budget, you are going to have to rely on free marketing techniques and methods in order to drive traffic to your sites. To successfully implement free marketing mediums, they require an investment of your time. Therefore it is critical to asses the amount of time you can devote to a business and what type of marketing budget you have in place. These factors will have a significant impact on what marketing strategies you will be able to implement and have a direct impact on your success.

One last area you want to look at when trying to find an opportunity to make money online deals with your goals and expectations for the business. What type of expectations and goals do you have? What type of money are you looking to make? These are important questions you should answer. If you're looking to make 1,000 per week, you would be hard pressed to do so selling affiliate products where you earn a commission of 10 per sale. The fact is some opportunities are more expensive but have greater upside in terms of the income they can generate. You will want to figure out what your goals are how they relate to the amount of money you can invest and make a decision accordingly.

In looking for an opportunity to make money online, you should address the above key questions. Doing so will better enable you to make a good decision with respect to the opportunity you decide on and ensure that it is a fit for your situation with respect to the skills you possess and the resources you have available to you.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Information for Novice Traders

Are you interested in stock trading? If so, this is an industry that may intimidate you for one reason or the next. But remember, everybody started trading somewhere. By obtaining the proper information, you will be able to trade like a professional in no time at all.

As a novice trader it is very important for you to learn as much as you can about this industry. Not only do you want to do some research on your own by talking with others, but using the internet should also be at the top of your list. Believe it or not, there are many great resources available online which help to teach novice traders how to move forward with success.

When searching online you will come across a lot of information on trading. Novice traders will want to start out by searching for information on how to get started, basic terms, and other ground level details. From there, you can begin to dive into money making techniques, reading quotes and charts, and more advanced theories.

The biggest mistake that novice traders make is that they get caught up in the money. They know that they can make a lot of money by trading stocks, and of course, this clouds their vision of the future. Instead of learning the basics, these novice traders try to jump right ahead to the money making part of the deal. More times than not, this is going to end up in failure.
All in all, every trader was a beginner at some point in his or her career. As a novice trader, take the time to learn the basic details before moving forward with anything more advanced. When you get off to a good start, it is much easier to carry this momentum forward in the future.

Increase your SEO visibility: Useful Tips

Presently, most of the advertising companies are launching their websites and the main objective behind it is to get maximum number of targeted customers to their websites. It ultimately helps them to increase the sales of their products and services. But you cant achieve your target with non-search engine-friendly website. For better SEO visibility of your website, you need to make your website search-engine-friendly whether your business is partly or wholly related to internet; Search Engine Visibility has a great role in making your website SE-friendly. You should design your website for search engines standpoint and visitors standpoint. Different SEO companies provide different SEO services to increase the search engine visibility of their clients website. As a webmaster you have adopted various SEO techniques to boost your search engine visibility, but yet you have not got your desired result. Then its time for you to seriously consider hiring a professional SEO company who can give a phillip to your websites visibility in the major search engines.

To begin with, you need a pre-SEO report offered by one of the most reliable and ethical SEO Company to identify the technical flaw of your website. Among different SEO services provider, Auroinfotech solutions is one of the leading SEO Company in India, provide services on Search Engine Optimization and Search Engine Marketing which includes pay per click management and many more. Our SEO specialists follow search engine approved SEO techniques and strategies. This helps the webmasters to get better search engine ranking and increase their SEO visibility.

If you are an online marketer or a company owner and want to increase your SEO visibility, then you can hire our SEO experts to make your site more visible in the search engines. Our SEO consultants can give you tips on how to develop your website that please both the search engines and your target audience. Our SEO visibility campaign offers ground-braking and proven techniques performed by industry experts to make your site visible.

Finally, we can say Auroinfotech Solutions offers clear instructions and tips for building better web pages.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Quiz- Do You Believe That You Are Unique?

Do you know that you are a unique person? Do you believe that? Or you think that you are one of the billions in the world? Do you appreciate your unique qualities? Do you know about your true potential? Let us quiz and find out.

Quiz- do you know that you are unique? All of us are unique. No face is same as any other face in the world. No fingerprints are same as other fingerprints. You are a unique person with qualities that are not with others. You are truly a unique person. Please remember that at all the times.

Quiz- do you appreciate your unique qualities? You have some unique qualities. It is seen that all of us recognize the uniqueness of others, but cannot recognize our own qualities.

Why not make a list of all your qualities. Separate out the qualities that you think can be further developed and help you achieve more in life. For example, you might be a good speaker. Have you ever considered becoming a professional in that? You may be a good painter, or a carpenter, or a good designer and so on. The point is to recognize that and develop a quality that can help you reach high in life with that.

Quiz - your ambitions. Please write down your goals, think about them. Are you aiming to reach very high or your goals are very moderate? Please revise your goals. Make them realistic but raise the bar high. Unless we extract our full potential to reach high goals, how shall we achieve great feats in life?

Friday, September 14, 2007

what cause the asian economic crisis-intro

There account deficits in many Asian countries were very high. An account deficit of 5% of GDP is already considered very dangerous. However, evidence shows that during the 1990’s Asian economies had relatively high account deficits.

Particularly in Thailand where the current account deficits was always above 6% of GDP in the 1990’s and approached 9% of GDP in 1995 and 1996 and Malaysia where it has equally high numbers with over 10% of GDP in 1993 and slowly decreasing to 3.7% of GDP in 1996. The Philippines had a current account deficit of about 5% of GDP on all the years. In Korea, it was it was low (0-3%) form 1990-1993 but later rose quickly to almost 5% of GDP in 1996. Indonesia had an account deficit of 4% at the start of the decade, but it shrank in 1992 and 1993, only to widen to 3-4% in 1995-1996. Honk Kong had an account surplus averaging 7% of GDP from 1990-1993, however it dropped to 2% in 1994 and went in to more than 2% deficit in 1995 and 1996. Taiwan turned in high account surpluses with 4.5% of GDP in surplus for 1996. Singapore’s case is very different, its account surplus averaged 10% for 1990-1993 and 16% of GDP for 1994-1996. Due to the weakening of the Asian currencies, the account deficits had a devastating impact.

And those countries with small account deficits or surpluses did not suffer as much. China had a stable currency, Hong Kong had the reserves to successfully defend their dollar. Singapore and Taiwan’s currencies depreciated by only 18%, much lower than other crisis countries.

The account deficits could not be sustained at such high levels. Usually, it is the solvency of an economy which determines how much of a deficit it can sustain. If a country accumulates foreign debt at a rate that higher than the cost of borrowing, it cannot possibly carry on borrowing forever. However, if the economy can generate surpluses in the future, it can still pay off its debt.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Beginning the Journey into Spirituality

We are all made up as a three-part being when we come into this relative world: mind, body, and spirit. This is also known as subconscious, conscious and superconscious, or Father, Son and Holy Ghost, or whatever triad description works best for you. This article is all about reaching clarity on the subject of spirituality so we will use the term mind, body and spirit.

Our mind, body and spirit beingness is in perfect balance at birth. We are love and love surrounds us. As we venture into this relative world, we understand we are one with the source of all things. We are one with God, or Allah, or Jehovah, or whatever you wish to call the universal source. For clarity's sake we will call the universal source God.

At birth we know we are one with God and our spirit is in balance with our mind and body. We are launched into this world with the greatest of expectations. A miracle has happened. We have no needs except to be nurtured by our mother's milk and the love of mankind. Well, what happened between this blissful time of balance and how we view the world today as adults?

The process of life in this physical world and a set of beliefs that have been passed down through the millennia have affected the way that we view the world and our relationship to it. At the heart of these beliefs is the granddaddy of them all: The belief that we are separate from each other and separate from the universal source of all that is; specifically, the belief that we are separate from God.

We need to define the foundational concepts that will put spirituality back into our everyday lives. To do this we must explore how we view the world today, both individually, and as a society. We must explore how the perceptions we hold about ourselves serve us or not, and whether they serve the planet we live on. We must also look at available options for us to pursue and use if we so choose.

As we venture into this journey, I ask that you suspend your judgments and open up your heart and your mind to this information. As you journey down this path of spirituality you will find that you will begin to eliminate your judgments about people and events, and start enjoying a more accepting attitude about the people and events that show up in your life. As you venture further, you will see the perfection in the process and how this is an effortless journey that you are creating to fulfill your deepest intentions and desires. In the process you will discover how you can create the person that you wish to be while you are fulfilling your life's desires. You will see how your beingness creates your doingness, which results in a quest that focuses more on who and what you are being and not on what you are doing.

Let us begin our journey in earnest. Our quest is to learn about the nuts and bolts of spirituality. The first step of our journey is to understand why we are the way we are now. Why is it that we are not in balance with our mind, body, spirit? Why are we living lives of constant frustration and having such a hard time finding the simple concept of inner peace? These questions and more are answered as we follow the path of our journey into spirituality. This journey will carry us to new vistas that were previously unknown. It begins with open hearts and open minds. Let us move forward and begin our journey.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Major in The Major Things In Life

We tend to get a bit reflective when someone close to us passes away. This is especially true if that individual was young. Questions such as what does it mean and why are we here go through our minds. It is a stark reminder that our time is limited. Unfortunately, the end will be near before we know it. Even in the best of circumstances, we can hope to enjoy 80 or 90 years on this planet. How we utilize those years is up to us. However, the amount we have is non-negotiable. We cannot purchase more time at the end. When we are done, we are done.

It is interesting how we spend our time when there is plenty of it. As long as we project that we have another 40 or 50 years, there is no urgency to what we do. We maintain the belief that we can always “get around to it later”. This changes as we grow older. Our outlook shifts to one where we know the end is coming closer. A person with an expectancy of another 40 years differs greatly from one with 10. This change in perspective manifests itself in how one spends the daily allotment of time. What was once critical is no longer that important.

In working with people assisting them in overcoming their challenges, one realizes that many create tremendous pressure on themselves. They have the desire to perform at the highest level. Most carry the attitude that they must handle all situations themselves. Of course, they quickly find that there is not enough time to get everything done. The more that they take on, the further behind they become. This leads to an increase in stress and an assortment of other physical ailments.

Most people get themselves in this situation because they choose to minor in the major things in life. In other words, their focus is consistently on things that are really unimportant in the overall scheme of life. They have the tendency to put off the things that truly make a difference in their lives. The desire to “do it all” creates an unbalanced priority system. A great amount of time is dedicated to those activities which provide a low return in the long run.

What would you do if you knew this was your last day on Earth? Would you put all that extra time in at the office? Do you think you would put off calling your spouse and telling him/her how great you love is? The answers to these questions is obvious. Fortunately, most of us have more than one more day left on this planet. Of course, we never know when the ultimate outcome will surface. Yet it is safe to say that given only 24 hours more, every action would carry tremendous impact in terms of their importance.

Eliminating the focus on the minor things in life is one of the major shifts that you can make to improve your life. The time is now to begin 'majoring in the major things in life'. Concentrating on the critical activities enables us to be more effective. We utilize the precious resource of time to our advantage. Time has the characteristic of diminishing returns. The older we get, the quicker a year passes. It seems like we go from New Year's Day to Christmas in the blink of an eye. Putting our attention on the important activities ensures that we are putting our time to the most use.

There is an old saying, 'In a hundred years this will not matter'. People also say ' We will be laughing about this in a year' (or some other time frame). These quotes allude to the fact that whatever is the 'crisis' of the moment is not really paramount. If one is going to laugh about it down the road, why not laugh about it now? It must not be all that catastrophic if there is a hint of humor in it. Release the pressure of the situation by implementing humor. Understand that it most likely is not the end of the world.

Getting ones priorities in order is a key component to living a fulfilling life. People who do not truly know what they want are apt to be swayed by outside influences. Having the outlook that time is not an unlimited commodity will offer the motivation to get things in order. If you only had a short time to live, would you be fretting about this? Ask this to determine what are the most vital parts of your life. The clearer we become on what really is important, the more we can nurture those relationships and situations.

Another saying comes to mind; 'live as if you are going to die tomorrow but plan as if you will live forever'. We found that a life with direction is the most successful. People who drift from one situation to another often lead empty lives. Their sense of accomplishment is low. People feel satisfaction when they had a hand in building something. The creative muscle is natural in all of us. Some use it to erect physical structures. Others develop companies. Still others use these skills to raise a family. Some do charitable works to gain a feeling of creating. Seeing your results after setting out with nothing more than an idea and desire is an indescribable feeling.

Begin taking your life to a new level by concentrating on what is important to you. Make those decisions as if you have only a short period of time to live. This will clear away many of the unimportant activities that really do not provide a great deal of satisfaction anyway. At the end of one's life, rarely is a sermon given spelling out how much 'stuff' on amassed. Instead, people speak of the character of the person, the relationship he/she had with others, the contributions made, and the thoughtfulness exhibited. Plan your day around offering these qualities to those closest to you. In the end, the only thing that truly matters is our interaction with others.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Forex Market Trading

Trading is a fast moving world, where you do not always have time to fully consult all your options before you make your decisions. It is an exciting world, because you will be tapping powerful resources which will generate income. It is a 24-7 job, because world trading markets do not sleep. What is more, any high-profit activity can be risky. That is why you need a reliable partner, with a reliable system, which will control the risks for you. But shop around - the best systems do not just schedule deals for you, they are informative, so that you can develop as a trader.

Forex Markets are higher-yielding than equity markets, and have the added flexibility of being able to trade the U.S., European and Asian Pacific sessions. What’s more, you can trade from home or the office, quickly and effectively, with no commissions and far exceeding the typical 15:1 margin on futures or the 2:1 margin offered by equity brokers, achieving a surprising 100:1 leverage.

The commercially successful systems that are available tend to focus on pairs of currencies – they are looking for volume of trading and high interest. This helps to minimise the risks.The benefits of certain systems is that they have set trading times, obviating the pressure of 24-hour monitoring of the markets. There are certain peak times when the markets are most reliable and have the greatest volume of trade, and a typical day in any one market would have two or three trading peaks. Subscribers to a trading system typically enter a broadcast in real-time, where new trades are indicated, with a trader presenting them and discussing and analysing their merits as well as calling the trades. Generally speaking, forex trading tends to be a shorter-term investment than those carried out using other vehicles. Short-term strategies can last from as little as a few minutes to a few days, with longer-term strategies for bonds and stocks stretching over months or years.

The distinguishing feature of forex trading is that interest can be earned on open positions on a daily basis, according to your leveraged trade volume. This could not be said of other types of market, which don’t yield interest on open trades. Depending on fluctuations in interest rates, this can accumulate over the years to hundreds of percentile points. There is a risk factor in the fluctuation of exchange rates between your chosen currencies, but the interest will be entirely predictable and guaranteed. Further revenue will naturally be accrued by currency appreciations or depreciations. What’s more, investing in various currencies is a great way to diversify your portfolio and spread your investment. It will not cost you as much as you would think to join the high-flyers of forex traders. Many foreign exchange trading brokers will allow you a three week trial period to test their trading platforms, to see if you can get along with it, before you sign up fully. The more established systems will typically offer a mini-account to get you started, where initial investment will set you back as little as 250$. before opening any live account always practice at least 200 trades with a demo account in order to get a feel of what trading with real money will be like. Never open a forex trading with money that you can not afford to lose. There is a 95% chance that you are going to lose your money as a beginner in the currency trading market, so if you are going to open a live account, make sure you open it with the minimum amount of funds possible.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Give Yourself A Checkup Now!

Over 40? Is your work life empty? Is your work fulfilling and full of meaning? This is a question no one can answer but you.There are, however, several things you can look at to see if your work needs a major overhaul now!


How is your energy each day. Do you wake up fully alert and ready to work? Do you jump out of bed at the thought of starting work?Does your mind race during the night because you can’t wait to get up in the morning? Before going to bed, do you get excited just thinking of the work that you get to do the next day?Or, when you think of your work, does it leave you with an empty feeling in the pit of your stomach? Do your thoughts instead turn to the bills piling up, the terrible boss or the long commute you have to do the next morning? When the alarm sounds, is your first thought “Oh no, it can’t be morning yet!” Are you tired during the day? Does your energy level drop as the day wears on?


Are you happy and content most of the day? Do you feel balanced and on-track with what you do? Do you feel like the work you do fits you and is just perfect?Or are your emotions a daily roller coaster full of anxiety, envy, jealously, sadness and anger? Could this be because you don’t love what you do? Could it be because your work might fit those silly job descriptions but your work no longer fits you? Do you hang onto your job like an outdated shirt because you just can’t force yourself to do something else?


How are you feeling about your loved ones? Are you supportive and always ready to listen to them in a calm and supportive way?Or are you finding it harder to appreciate those around you because all you can think about is your work? Are you spending all your time thinking about how you can’t stand your work? Are the people you care deeply about in your life being impacted by your moods and unhappiness in your work life? Are you being encouraged to stay in this job to support the family despite the way this job is draining you? Do you feel trapped in a box—with no key for getting out?


Are you prevented from following your passion and finding work that better fits you because of money?Are you afraid that if you quit your empty job, you’ll go homeless or rock the boat at home? Have you considered how you might get creative and follow your heart AND make the money you require?Could you live on less in the short term to follow your dream? Could your family live on less in the short term for you to follow your dream?What would the tradeoffs be in the short term; the long term?Does your own parental voice tell you it is not the responsible thing to do? Are you unable to give yourself permission to follow your heart?


Is yours “just a job” with those empty days and wasted staff meetings? Does it seem like it’s always all about the money? Does your employer have a “What did you do for me lately” attitude toward you and your work? Does it seem like you don’t have control of your work and what you do? Do you feel trapped? Do you realize that you must do something now before you become a statistic?You must do something now if you are suffering like this

Being over 40 and empty in your work is a sure recipe for illness, unhappiness, failed relationships, needless spending and worst of all, a downward spiral towards a life that feels empty.The good newsYou can change! Many others like you have and you can, too.It starts with an examination of your life and your work, because what you do determines who you are. Don’t just settle any longer for a job created by someone else to do work that no longer fits you. You have a gift to give the world and it’s time you start to pursue it.It will be hard; it will be challenging, and it will be worth it.Create a supportive team around you now to protect and encourage you in the next step of your journey. This new journey will improve your health, your emotional state, your relationships, your relationship with money and most importantly, your work.Over 40, your work becomes your life because what you do is who you are. It’s all up to you. You can choose what you would like to become.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Humanities- Desicion Making

I wish I could make a decision ... why can't I make up my mind? Sounds familiar to you? Then NOT reading this article could be the wrong decision!We've all been there. A decision has to be made and we just can't get our head round it. Did I consider all the important facts? Shall I simply trust my guts? What if this is the wrong decision? Shall I ask my Mum - she always seems to know what to do?Hours, days, even weeks later we still haven't decided ...- what car to buy next,- which diet to go for,- which school to choose for our children,- where to invest our hard earned money,- which web host suits our needs best,... and so on.But we can't wait for ever. And some decisions have to be made quickly, which puts us under even more pressure. So we make our decision.

However, often there remains this feeling, like a bad taste in our mouth, that we might have forgotten an important point.And now - the good news! 'Choose It!' comes to our rescue. It's a smart little tool, based upon a classic decision making model that we all use intuitively for easy questions or problems (ex. "Do I?" or "Don't I?" with columns of "pros" and "cons"). Yet this method fails badly with more complex questions. 'Choose It!' builds a simple yet sophisticated decision matrix while YOU complete a step-by-step decision tree. This decision making process organizes your thinking. Result? You make correct choices for the most complex, nuanced questions.Your benefit? Peace of mind! Because you know you considered all the important facts for your decision, you weighted them according to your priorities in life and you didn't let someone else decide about things that matter to you.The value of such a tool? Priceless. "So ...", I hear you asking, "what does it cost me to try 'Choose It!'?" Just a few minutes of your time.

The incredibly creative team at SiteSell Inc., who developed this tool, are giving it away for FREE!"Hmm, should I check it out now or later? How can such a great tool be free? There must be a hook ..." 'Choose It!' ... or loose it. The decision is yours!
Margit Streifeneder has been a successful Small Business Owner for 10 years. Making the right decisions is crucial for succeeding - in private and business life. Find out how 'Choose It!'can help you in making YOUR decisions!

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Online Profit Earning

Many people have realized that they can turn their computer into a money making machine. There are many ways you can make money with your computer. This article will show you several low cost ways to make money on the net.Sell Products or Services OnlineYou can set up an online store to sell a wide variety of products. However, it will cost you few thousands dollars to start an e-store.

One way to start an online business with minimum capital is deal with drop ship wholesalers. So how drop shipping works? - A drop ship distributor is a wholesale company that will ship one product directly to your customer.- You don't need to pay for an item unless it is sold.- You don't store any inventory. - You don't package and ship merchandise. - Your customer pays the retail price for the product to you and you pay the cost of the product to the drop ship distributor. The difference is your profit. Drop shipping system makes it affordable for anyone to start an online business due to the benefits it offers. EBay is the best place for you to start selling your products with drop shipping system. One strategy you can try is sell the similar items to the one that have attracted several bids in eBay. For instance, say you have opened an account with a cell phone drop ship dealer and ready to sell cell phone on eBay. You found that a Nokia 8810 cell phone have attracted 7 bids, so what you can try to do is list the similar item immediately with lowest price possible. Of course, there is no guarantee that you will make any money with this strategy. There are many more auction selling ideas you can find from the Internet which can help you make a steady income on eBay.

Be a Freelancer-There are many freelance job sites consist of a long list of freelance job contracts. These freelance sites usually offer the following jobs:1) IT jobs (web-design, Jawa, PHP, script-installation, programming, graphic design and so on) 2) Writing & Editing Jobs3) Administrative support (Data entry) & accounting services. You may join several freelance sites for free and start bidding for the projects and contracts that are right for you. You can also make extra money writing articles and essays. There are places and websites where you can sell your articles and essays for a price anywhere between $ to 25 per article. Furthermore, there are forums and blogs offer to pay anyone who post message and article to their websites. Be an AffiliateAffiliate makes money online by selling other people's stuff. An affiliate earns commission whenever someone sent by him/her to his/her merchant's website makes a purchase. Clickbank is one of the best places you can find an affiliate program to join because it is the largest e-book store and contains a ton of merchants looking for people to sell their e-books. The main task of affiliates is promote and advertise their merchants' websites (affiliate links). One method to promote affiliate program is advertise on Google. To advertise on Google you'll first need to open a Google AdWords account. You can start advertise on Google immediately after paying $ account activation fee. Your cost of advertising is calculated in pay-per-click (PPC) basis. This means that Google will only charge you whenever someone clicks your text ad.Paid SurveyTaking online paid survey at home is an easy way to make money online as you don't need any special skills and knowledge to complete paid survey job. In order to increase the money you can earn, you need to join as many market research and survey companies as possible. However you can't expect how much money you will make monthly because you have no idea when a paid survey invitation will send to your mail box. Thus it is not an ideal way to make a wage but a great way to make some extra income for paying your monthly bills.

The Study For Financial Freedom

A study had been done previously at a pharmaceutical meeting in Europe. In this study, it was made known that managers trained in the 8 Step Coaching Skills program outsold DM's that didn't receive any training in that program. There are two reasons that the data appears to give for this outcome: realizing and diagnosing the needs of the Representatives, and effective leadership coaching. Building high performance teams takes time, but it's time well spent.However, it is not simply a matter of being trained. Managers ought to conquer routine obstructions so that someone can be a good coach. It takes a knowledge of the skills plus the courage to open up sensitive and important topics with others. Coaching is not always easy, many times we can cause an opening up misunderstandings that can create discomfort. In short, "coaching is easier said than done."

The results, however, are usually if not always worth what it.Many DM's often ask us: "Is it Coaching Skills or Coaching Steps?" It's obvious that the heart of the Eight Step Coaching Model is composed of skills. The main focus on skills and behaviors differentiates the Eight Step Coaching Model from other coaching training. Step one is "Be Supportive," and it depends on building collaboration. Similarly, The second step, "Define the Topic and Needs," requires the Manager to have better or good inquiry skills. The word "steps" implies that there is a conceptual sequence. It doesn't mean that each time you speak with a Representative you have to force yourself through every step. Often it is useful and important that you coach quickly. A good example of this is if you may be coaching in between physician calls and your aim is to help a representative with certain skills. In this example, you can coach "fast." In other situations, you want to cover more steps or more skills in order to orchestrate a successful coaching experience. If you want to speak with a Representative about a larger topic, such as teamwork, goal attainment, or participation in meetings, you will definitely need to reserve more time and pull in more skills or steps. The key is flexibility. You need to know the steps or skills thoroughly and then draw on the steps that are appropriate for each situation.

As you practice the Eight Step Coaching Model and apply it often, you become more natural. The more you experience the Model, you hardly realize that you are even following the process.Coaching just needs to be done, plain and simple. Supervisors need to create good relationships with their employees and be able to constantly and consistently coach them to make a better working experience for both the employee and supervisor. If an employee is confused as to his/her role in the company, it's probably because his/her supervisor was never clear on the expectations that he/she has. There is nothing worse for an employee than to not know his/her role or his/her obligation in the company. If the supervisor is not careful, he/she may lose many quality employees just because no coaching was done in the first place.