Heart in motion is the movement of this "you" that you truly are, flowing through this mindbody that you find yourself flowing through. It is the beyondness of the alive and indescribable "that" - which gave birth to and informs everything with itself - moving through and incarnating into its own manifestation.
This one is true of you right here and right now. You can consciously "be" this one - and "be" this one you must for there is no other way of realizing this "you" of you; you will not realize "you" through your attempt to be who you think you are; you will not realize this "you" by thinking about it - because this is who "you" are.
To be who you already are is going to have you surrendering, letting go and leaving alone this activity of trying to be what you are not - this unconscious and veiled attempt to try and be who you think you are.
You will start being led out of this prison of your own making through attraction and attention. You are attracted to being happier than who you think you are can deliver. You are attracted to the freedom of your heart because you know yourself to be not living this clarity on a momentary and daily basis.
No matter how happy you think you can be it can never come anywhere close to the enrichment of the one that is already true of you - this "you" of you that is already flowing through the eyes of this mindbody that you find yourself so intimately involved with.
Of course, not realizing this one leaves you drowning in the ignorance of not seeing the sheer beauty of the heart that you are busily being distracted from noticing as being the "you" that you already are; it leaves you drowning in the inattention of what you are up to on a daily basis.
Consciously "be" this one that you are - by bringing your conscious attention to the finding of this "you" of you that is currently flowing through the eyes of this mindbody that you find yourself flowing through and stopping at and as this one - and open to the changelessness and endlessness of such a magnitude that it will simply transcend the level of mind that you currently suffer, or carry on as you are.
All realizers have come to recognise that they are not who they thought they were; that there is no one to become anything - enlightened, awakened or otherwise. Who you are already is - right here right now. It is currently flowing through your eyes. To be this one requires your surrendering and letting go of who you think you are. It is a huge relief to no longer have to perpetuate the struggle of trying to be who you think you are. It allows you to simply get on with being "that" which is already and always right here; to be what is already true of you; the being of this "you" of you that is flowing through your eyes - the seer, the heart of existence itself, the divine one; and "that" is immense joy, freedom and delightfulness - despite the continuing cycles of arising that the mindbody may be going through.
The one that you are is not wracked by desire, fear, doubt and guilt - it is completely and momentarily free of all these and of everything; it is freedom itself.
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